Welcome To Exeter
Township Luzerne
County, PA

Established in 1783

Exeter Township Services

Harding Fire Company

Mt. Zion Fire Company

Harding Mt. Zion Ambulance


Township is run by a five-member board of supervisors elected at large for a six year term. Years ago, Township supervisors were mainly in charge of maintaining Township roads and plowing snow in the winter. Today as the needs of our residents have grown, so has the role and responsibility of Township supervisors.

Brief History

The Exeter Township Settlement was one of the oldest in Wyoming Valley. It originally consisted of Franklin Township, Ransom Township, Exeter Township-Wyoming County, West Pittston Borough and Exeter Borough. li has the distinction of having had the earliest business enterprise – a gristmill and sawmill. Lumbering was the first chief occupation followed by farming.

Exeter Township belongs to everyone and is a great place to live.

The Township owns and maintains a baseball field and pavilion in back of the Municipal Building and Tennis Courts and Playground located at the corner of Coolidge Avenue and Riverside Drive. The rural location, areas for fishing and hunting, along with its scenic beauty makes our Township an enjoyable, pleasant place to live.